Thursday, August 31, 2006

It makes me smile

Yeah, I'm that creepy person that googles her new professors and tries to analyze them before she ever meets them. It never works though, the last time I tried I was so wrong. My impression was that he was an arrogant, evil dictator-like person (I got all that from reading a comment he posted somewhere). I was terribly mistaken. He was the sweetest person I've ever met. Seriously, ever.

So I vowed that I would never do that again, but I did it today. I gathered that he would be easy-going and stuff. I think I'm going to be surprised :D. I can imagine how lame you think I am, but I like to be thorough. If that is enough of a reason.

Anyway, my vacay is amazing, I've enjoyed it thoroughly and have a week left to go. I may not have done eventful things that I can talk about with a passion but I've spent every minute just... being. I've walked, talked, dined, and shopped (a little bit). Most importantly, I've been with the people I favor the most. I've met new people, went to new places, tried new foods, and found really cute stuff that we're ahem not in my size.

I've grabbed a chair and chatted with strangers, I've had a thoughtful conversation with the cab driver on the way home, I've laughed my way all through dinner, I've slept through a movie in the cinema, I've tortured my feet with all the walking, I've kept myself sane and calm all through this trip.

I would usually be really sad/aggravated if I didn't have enough pictures to document my trip, or did enough shopping that would 'be enough' before I travel back home, but now I couldn't care less. For all that matters, I have more memory space in my camera and sufficient cash in my account. Now that's always a good thing, but I know I'll regret taking so much pictures of my shoes.

Also, I can't wait to see the new movies: Little Man, The Wickerman, Adrift and the popular Indian movie. All in a span of a week :) I can so manage.

I love my friends. I just needed to say that because I had an amazing night.

Song of the week:
"Trouble" - Ray Lamontagne

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sank Yew!

A lot x 10 has happened these couple of days, no wait, today and yesterday to be exact. So let's start with yesterday, me and the crew signed up for a Shu Uemura promotion going on and it consisted of us getting so called "free" make up. The reason why it was going to be free was that Gina Brooke, the artistic director and Madonnas make-up artist (And Katie Holmes, Eva Longoria and etc ahem :P), was a VIP and she was going to be there and so they needed a lot of people through out the day to be worked on. So basically we were fillers!

Anyway so we cheap skates decided that this was a bargain, so we all arrive around the same time get our make up done, Gina was amazing, she was extremely friendly and social, that act was all because we were supposed to be "purchasing" things after we're done. This girl that was putting make up on me was insisting that I have a glass of champagne, I just told her that I was detoxing and that it was too early in the morning :P (btw, I don't drink, I just say that to play along)... Anywaaaaaaay, I was done an hour later and then she tells me to go pay, not to seem cheap but there's no other way around it but I was pissed off, we were fillers! We were supposed to get away with it while others paid, we were special! Anyway, I tell the lady the situation and I manage to leave empty handed, my buddies on the other hand all succumbed to the promotional quicksand and bought stuff. So, 1-4 Shu Uemura.

We went to Snakes on a Plane today. I haven't laughed that much for a long, long time. You don't know whether to laugh or cry. It had the most absurd scenes, all concerning snakes of course. But literally, it was so lame it was amazing. You could sense the actors not taking themselves seriously, it shows! I guess I can't really describe it in words but you have to see it for yourselves.

My friends and I later went to Asia de Cuba, we ate like pigs :) and I'm not exaggerating AT ALL, I might even be putting it lightly. We had a blast, the place was amazing, the food delicious and the desserts... indescribable!

Video of the day:

Limbo extraordinaire! What you see is two large bottles, a few inches above my ankle! It was so freaky watching him do that! He'd always say (regarding the "donations") "Something is better than nothing, and if you have nothing reach into your neighbors pocket and grab something" witty fella! and whenever we would clap he would say...


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jet Set!

I've arrived in one piece! Hallelujah! But of course out of the ordinary had to happen...

As I was getting ready to board the plane, I saw a man standing next to the counter, the face was really familiar to me and after a few seconds I realized that it was my old friend! He was a pilot in training when I met him but obviously he's working full time now... I've lost contact with him a long, long time ago and was apprehensive to actually say hi or ask how he was. Anyway I knew he remembered me but I wasn't sure! Anyway so my sister and I go to our seats... and I'll have to draw a diagram to make it easier to understand

Row 3: |sis||me| ----------------- |empty2||old lady|
------------- |empty1||young lady| ---------------


After a few minutes a stewardess approached the young lady and asked her to move seats because of a reason I couldn't quite catch (adri malgoofa;D) anyway, so she shifts seats to "empty 2".

And then my pilot friend comes walking with his friend and sits in the two middle seats. Hmmmm? Apparently they shouldn't be sitting there but I guess they had a valid reason. And there were empty seats, and he sits next to me? Well, an aisle part, and the problem was their chairs were not adjacent to us perfectly but a few inches behind our row. You get it I'm sure. What's the big deal? My every move was in clear view! UGH, and I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was watching, I couldn't sleep because I like to sleep on my right side and I'm known to slobber and mumble so that was out of the question, plus kent emwasla! I didn't sleep at all that day, busy getting the bags ready and stuff. So I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't eat... I was very self-concious because there was a girl across of me and I could see everything she was doing, and I was very cautious to not make a fool of myself. So my sister managed to feed me! And yeah, I could see him trying to say hi or whatever but I knew he wanted me to initiate the conversation, that aint happenin any time soon, I can imagine him acting like he doesn't know me. Awkward anyone?

And YEAH, all that bullshit, excuse my spanish, about not getting mobiles, iPods, laptops and handbags while going to London is just propaganda! My sister and I we're strictly following the rules and didn't get anything except our passports and tickets, good for us right? WRONG!!!

I felt tricked! Thank GOD I didn't get that plastic bag (though some people got them which looked funny), and I felt so angry when I saw a girl listening to music on her iPod, or the guy checking his messages as soon as we landed! And we breezed out of the plane with nothing in hand just a passport and tickets! We looked weird :D

Oh yeah, my-so-called pilot friend of ancient times didn't help us with our luggage! I was obviously struggling to pull the bag up after grabbing the handle but I was moving with the conveyor belt, so embarassing! I've noticed something, all the women asked if we needed help but none of the men did.

Chivalry is dead! I doubt it was ever even born!

Song of the day:"Get up" - Ciara

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I just found out that our new driver was a nurse. In a hospital in India. He used to drive ambulances too. Now that explains a lot about his driving! He swerves and slides through the lanes like there was no tomorrow! Now I'll have to tell him that there isn't a green light flashing above the car and I'm not suffering from a hemorrhage to be driven with that fast! He also has another talent, other than reckless driving, which is driving with the side brake on! He drove back from the shalaih with the side brake on, the whole way. Apparently, the brake was completely destroyed. Way to go nurse!

In a more serious note, my bag is like a fat lady in a superglued corset. No breathing space, at all! I've done considerably better than past vacations, but it's all because of my handbags! If I could take one with me on the plane, my fat lady bag would breathe easy, but unfortunately I can't! That means I can't listen to music on my iPod, I can't sleep without listening to my songs! I hope I sit next to someone interesting to test my conversational skills on. I love talking to strangers, I find them refreshing for some reason. I just hope I get a reclining seat this time, last time I traveled I got a seat that was dysfunctional, I couldn't lean back! I wanted to sleep so bad but I couldn't, I crawled up in a ball and put my head on the arm rest, sad? I know, I teared up for a bit too, just a lil bit :P And then when I landed, it miraculously swung back without me touching it! A seven hour flight and NOW it gets the message? Evil.

So, I'm going to try to design my 'transparent bag' in an unconventional way in a few hours, I'm going to hold it with style! I guess I'm going to pleat it on the sides and create a base so it doesn't look like a sandwich bag :P

Song of the day: "Money Maker" - Ludacris feat. Pharell

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Think Tank

Why oh why do I get up in the morning brush my teeth and THEN eat breakfast? Can't I just eat breakfast then brush my teeth? Cuz I just finished my bowl of frosties and I feel like brushing. I wonder, is this how it's supposed to be? What comes first the toothbrush or the frosties?

I feel good today, I woke up and got off the right side of bed. Now, what if a persons bed is stuck to the wall and they can only get up from one side of the bed? Hmmm.

Prison Break starts August 21. What do you think will happen to them? I think they're going to catch haywire first and Veronica will be 'detained until further notice'. Now wait, let me check actual spoiler sites. Checked them... I CAN'T WAIT NOW!

I have this phobia of being late! It's not really a phobia, but I HATE being late, despise it. I always make sure I have at least a gap of 10 minutes plus traveling time to be on the safe side. I hate being in a rush. How convenient for me! I'm living in a society where every watch is at least 15 minutes late. How is this relevant? I need to go to university now and I'm wondering when to leave. I think I'll be a rebel today and go half an hour before class starts (traveling time 20 mins). Ohhh it's a big deal :P

Oh yeah listen to Beyonces new, actually unreleased, song - "Ring the Alarm", shes sounds violent screaming her lungs out and all!


I have cemented the fact that I am just plain unlucky or really stupid at times. But I don't think I am because I didn't see this coming!

Anyway so I was going to pay my bills online and asked my dad for his credit card, I was going to pay 400KD to settle my bills and an extra 100KD for when I travel. Pre-paid expense if you know what I mean. So it's a total of 500KD, cool?

I go on the site and everything goes smoothly until the part where they authenticate the card and tell you that the payment was successful. I didn't get that! I got a "your session has been timed out, either for 2 of these reasons blah blah". So I try again, and again.... and again. I thought there was something wrong with the laptop, so I picked up my sisters laptop and proceeded with my final try. Didn't work. I never got a confirmation page at all! I thought fine I'll go to any store tomorrow and pay there.

A few hours later I get 5 messages.

Thank you for paying your bills. x5 :D (Wayhy ensefag) I got the proverbial slap to the face!

5 emails too. Didn't check them yet.

So you do the math. 500 x 5 = 2,500.


I just needed 500 :(

Friday, August 11, 2006

Sharpen the blur

It's strange when everything you see is a blur, meshed into each other and you don't know when one thing ends and the other begins. It's safe to say that "that's how life flows" but I need closure! I need a life checklist just to feel that I'm actually doing something productive!

On the flipside, people might say that this is the perfect example of not living your life! Well, I just want to "contribute" something to society. Not something I'm forced to do, but share something I love doing. And basically have a blast doing it and be satisfied till no end :D

And yeah, why am I always reminded that I am a gubis? Staghferallah! What's up with terrorists threatening to blow up airplanes? Can't they blow up rocks instead? I'd like to send them a scientific kit gift, maybe that will distract them from ruining everyones vacations! And also killing innocent people, but that doesn't mean a lot to them does it?

Why can't they use their creativity for other useful things? Finding an alternative to hairspray for instance.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I want to do so many things but have so little time! For once my schedule is overflowing with things to do! How ironic! I'm basically trying to juggle attending classes, finishing assignments, making schedules for work and trying to get everything ready for when I travel! But at the same time, I'm really bored... I sit in class and plan out every outfit for everyday I'm in London. :)
It really does take a lot of time and creativity since I have to mix and match! Plus, I have alternatives if i'm not feeling the outfit at that particular day!

The other day I was in the computer lab at university, and there was this couple sitting infront of me. And let me distinctively note that I was really moody that day and had a lot to do. So the girl was just typing away obviously she was as tired as I was and he on the other hand was very energetic. She's a midget and he can't be described without me feeling bad.

This is how it went:

7ana: Ooomi come'on you need a break.
De3la: (in a low sultry voice) Mabadeeh
7ana: Yala taa3i ooomi... ooomi
De3la: (moaning "no" and shrugging her shoulders) Mmm mabadey mabadey

- of course she's trying to act all cute and I wanna barf. I was staring at them in disbelief, I wanted to kill.-

7ana: Ya bint 'eltelak taa3i.. yee sho beki
De3la: enta rooo7 waji waraak ehe' ehe'
7ana: Ok ooomi yala (heads to the door, reaches it and looks back at her, shes still in her seat).. YEEE OOOOOMYYY!
De3la:: Ehe' ehe' ehe' (totally dala3 7aleema boland style) mabadeey mabadeey

Me: (In my mind... GOOMAY ALLAH LAYWAFGECH!!!!!!)

So? Gamat?


N.B: Whenever they pass I tell my friend "yala goomay" and she replies "mabadaaaayyyyy" ;D

Friday, August 04, 2006


So this a post just for the sake of posting, to update y'all I've been suffering in mandatory torture also known as summer school. Why do I succumb myself to such agony? I think because I like to tell myself that it will be worth it after it's done. Howeve, I fail to tell myself how tiring the process will be. Thankfully, I've passed the half line and there's not a lot to go.

I've hailed July the "old-friends-popping-out-of-nowhere" month. It is both refreshing and disturbing to know that these people thought of reaching out and contacting old moi. Refreshing because it means I'm cool like that. Disturbing because they are 'old' friends, apparently people who I've cut all contact from for something called a REASON. Oh well, a few polite gestures and all and they'll be back in the past folder.

This may seem psychotic but I'm flattered to know I'm a threat. Let me elaborate, my dear friends significant other logged onto his email and started chatting with me, half way through the chat she tells me who she is, I'm like "Why didn't you say so:P" and we go on chatting like we're old friends. Later, I realize that she is 'threatened' by me, yeah well if I were in her position I'd know why, but I don't trespass on peoples property so no harm there. However it's sad how he's 'banned' to chat with me anymore and still added me on another email (he cited that his action was justified since she had other emails too). Well, I won't even attempt to go there. In my opinion, I don't think that's cool.

I don't know whats up with me but I've been indulging in pre-travel shopping, like a lot. I should save my energy and cash to go shopping while on vacation right? I have no idea why but I want to shop now and chill there. I'm just going to have to wait and see, I know I'm going to scratch my shopping itch while I'm there. Always have, always will.

Oh yeah, I'm a ghost/mystery shopper! Can't say where exactly, don't want to blow my cover, but basically they pay me to shop. How cool is that? Seriously. I'd like to go professional soon, this is my calling!

In other news, I love GarageBand. The end. (No it's not a band, it's a program where you make your own music).

Good to hear from me? Thought so too! ;D

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