Friday, August 04, 2006


So this a post just for the sake of posting, to update y'all I've been suffering in mandatory torture also known as summer school. Why do I succumb myself to such agony? I think because I like to tell myself that it will be worth it after it's done. Howeve, I fail to tell myself how tiring the process will be. Thankfully, I've passed the half line and there's not a lot to go.

I've hailed July the "old-friends-popping-out-of-nowhere" month. It is both refreshing and disturbing to know that these people thought of reaching out and contacting old moi. Refreshing because it means I'm cool like that. Disturbing because they are 'old' friends, apparently people who I've cut all contact from for something called a REASON. Oh well, a few polite gestures and all and they'll be back in the past folder.

This may seem psychotic but I'm flattered to know I'm a threat. Let me elaborate, my dear friends significant other logged onto his email and started chatting with me, half way through the chat she tells me who she is, I'm like "Why didn't you say so:P" and we go on chatting like we're old friends. Later, I realize that she is 'threatened' by me, yeah well if I were in her position I'd know why, but I don't trespass on peoples property so no harm there. However it's sad how he's 'banned' to chat with me anymore and still added me on another email (he cited that his action was justified since she had other emails too). Well, I won't even attempt to go there. In my opinion, I don't think that's cool.

I don't know whats up with me but I've been indulging in pre-travel shopping, like a lot. I should save my energy and cash to go shopping while on vacation right? I have no idea why but I want to shop now and chill there. I'm just going to have to wait and see, I know I'm going to scratch my shopping itch while I'm there. Always have, always will.

Oh yeah, I'm a ghost/mystery shopper! Can't say where exactly, don't want to blow my cover, but basically they pay me to shop. How cool is that? Seriously. I'd like to go professional soon, this is my calling!

In other news, I love GarageBand. The end. (No it's not a band, it's a program where you make your own music).

Good to hear from me? Thought so too! ;D

Where? How?! I want!
I wannabe a ghooooooost shopper!

Paid to shop? Dreams DO come true!
DR- haha its amazing I feel like an undercover cop, and it's somewhere that starts with a V :P shouldn't be too hard to guess.
Vera Moda
Its not Villa Moda is it?
Thats time ur taking ME!
DR- haha I WISH villa moda, but it's somewhere in Marina, it has dvds, cds and stuff :P
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