Saturday, May 12, 2007


Today was "Hakish" day with one of my friends, it was fun.

Hakish is that slapping sound, you know, to emphasize a slap in the face. Literally or figuratively. Use it sometime, it truly is addictive :P

For once I'm going to stop thinking about what to write and just let it flow, so excuse me if I'm not going to be typing something coherent. Don't you ever reach a point where you say it can't get any worse, but then it does, and then you say it can't get any worse again, and it still does? and you have this inner fight with yourself, between looking for that tiny shred of hope and the cynical side that damns every little thing? Yeah well I'm somewhere in between, I still have hope for the human race :P

Oh and something else, please if you want drama, go find or create some on your own time and don't include me, I'm not a drama magnet and don't intend to be one anytime soon. Wala some people love to start drama just for the hell of it, I FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THAT. Why? la jad, why? You want some feedback on how pathetic you are, or how your actions are futile? Sure, it may seem humorous to listen to you talk about your problems, but seriously? I've been telling you how to avoid the drama but you seem to feed on it. It is entertaining though. I have to admit that.

What else? I'm tired of waiting for things to happen, either I do something about it if I can, and if I can't I'll just forget about it. Patience is not on my resume anymore, everything has to happen YESTERDAY :P

And I'm going to end this post with a useful tip,

being detached is the only way to guarantee your survival

Think about it, I wrote it on a whim, don't really know what it means, but it sounds cool :D G'NITE

hehe such a libra.

lameness ;p i was like, shiga3da itsawee hathee..
Jan6a- walla libras are unappreciated :P

Baroque- how dare u *hakish* :P
what the heck we all have drama queen friend
dont be sad ur not alone ;p
g'nite par
lol lekeisha.. yeah drama is contagious
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