Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Those Flashing Lights Come From Everywhere

What is up with people messaging me when I'm busy and stressed out? I rarely change my status to away so I didn't think twice of changing my status to away while working because I don't get that many messages while I'm online.

But because I'm me and unusual things always happen I got flooded with messages while I was working on my project and actually needed to focus! It was so distracting! Now why would that happen? I tried balancing the two but no, I couldn't. So yeah I had to work. But now, I'm done, and yeah you guessed it, no messages at all! Looks like I need to find something to work on, hmmm.

I hate mobiles, I hate the fact that there are no sane mobile phones anymore! The ones I had always act out after a few months and are corrupted beyond repair. So, now I'm mobile-less, my sim card is in the car phone. And you know what? I couldn't care less. I've had it with useless pieces of plastic that are literally worthless. I might as well buy a barbie phone from the baqala, I'm sure it'll work and won't break down or act all weird! Gosh :P

Shot GuNNNNN!!! firstly yeah we all love u dont we T. ;P and secondly 7emday rabich ina 9arat bil phone moo bil Sim :)

i think u better switch to samsung, samsung is way better..
Story of my life.
Appear Offline is the best thing MSN created.
seriously when u want something its not there, when u dont want it its all over the place.

if u decide to get a phone, get a sony erricson. doesnt matter which one. they are all kick ass, had mine for 3 years now, and havent even changed the battery.
H, M, whoever u are- Who's T lol :P and I'm still looking for convenient mobiles

DR- Yeah I used to that all the time, even when I had nothing to do :P

Fonzy- Exactly, whats that all about? Wow really? You haven't changed the battery? I hope I don't jinx it :P
hey sorry, if i bothered u :S
Stalin - ur an exception, I needed some feedback from u loool ;p
la7tha .. i jst become aware of something weird about ur blog Social!! who th hell is h,m,t & D?? i believe that u shld write one big fat post about that jumble ;P
for the reason that, we “blogworm” be aware of th story!!

p.s Ur status + me online= nervous anxiety ;P
pps: DONT CLOSE UR PHONE!! gosh ams i wanted 2 talk 2 u so BAD i had a problem w/ u knw wht!!
Anon- Who are you? :P I'm confused as you are lol
hehehehe ;) thnk fast !!
Anon- do u really want me to do that? :P I might blow a fuse... Don't worry, I'll find out in time :P I'm not in a hurry
Interesting… I lik ur coolness babe ;p
I’ll be waiting =)
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