Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Kids DO Say The Darnest Things!

Before I start, this post is dedicated to a certain someone who has "stumbled" on my blog after a lengthy search and is now an avid reader of mine (I hope:P)... and to the curious people, actually just two of you, you know who you are, I am not going to disclose any information regarding a certain someone's blog :P hehehe the person in question is probably reading this now and laughing her ass off :P

On to the post! Before I left to the university today I passed by the desk that had my little brothers homework, curiousity got the better of me and I took a peek. It seriously made my day! It was an autobiography and this is a little bit of what he wrote:

"My hobbies are swimming, basketball, baseball, soccer, pizza, donuts, chicken, fries and hamburgers."

"My mothers father was a military man. Her mother was a wife."

That's only a small excerpt of what I found in there, let's just say that I'm going to make him write all the time when I'm feeling blue!

And in the case of anonymous bloggers, readers, commenters. How many of you know bloggers personally but don't tell them that you do? :P I know a couple of bloggers, either by reading their blogs and automatically recognizing their writing style and some info about them, or either I'm told by people. In my case, I've told some people of my blog, while I gave others hints, and some people I'm sure know who I am but don't want to tell me. :P Yes?

Anonymity isn't a really big case to me, I have no problem with people reading this blog. This blog. :D
Yes, I used to have another blog :P It was so depressing and dramatic that I had to have a change of scenery so Ta-da this blog was created. I made a 180 degree flip, I'm probably much more shallow now? lol no that's not the word I'm looking for, let's say something along a light read. I'm the light cheese of blogs, easy to digest :P

P.S To H: Yalla meta miniature monopoly? :P

I like his hobbies. You can see he's making an effort to stick to the examples given to him in class. Alas, the Kuwaiti in him had to derrail his efforts. :P
Hero- At least hes honest and has a wide variety of tastes :P Probably foreshadowing his career as a chef?
LooooL!! i feel so special ;**
i just love hanging out with little kids... they just have these bizzare convos that make u go :O !!
o0 il miniture monopoly is @ home ;s bs i brought uno w/me.. unless u brought ur monopoly ;p
Kindly post whatever he writes. That gave me a laugh :)
H- Kids are amazing, they're more fun than adults :P eheh lets play uno next time

Miya- I'm gonna be flipping through his journal these couple of days and I'll be sure to post :P
Mo intay ba6a chabdy 3ela hal salfa...!
I read u cuz u make me laugh and for the life of me i cant link u to any ex bloggers...
and now u say ur other blog was depressing....hmmm all the exs bloggers i know were really funny hmmmm ok now i remember the bloggers i had in mind...yeah u could be her..aa
u probably are if u say u made a 180 degree change....u realise that im thinking out loud....well....u better let me know some time soon cuz :
curiousty killed the cat
and i still wannna be around a few more years or so...
DR- Yeah well, I can tell you that you used to comment quite a bit on my posts on the other blog ;)
It's still out there somewhere I haven't deleted it yet so you can browse around :p
mmm i think i saw a couple of people playing monopoly at uni..
which one r u ?? are u the fat one, thin one, tall one, or short one,... hehehehe where u on the left or right of the board??........etc. u know what just tell me who u are ??
btw which university was that?
Anon- I was all of them, and which uni? It's the one I go to ;p
Ok, well the blog i had in mind and for annoynminityt's (mali kholg afakir to spell it correctly) sake i think ur the blog with the light blue/white, with the red it a door? well madry.....yeaaaaah that IS u...i c the link with ur nick here.

DR- lol please tell me it took you a long time to figure that out! ;P
Walla my heart was hurting while im laughing at ur brothers HW.

Please .. Do share his Other Homeworks ;P

LOL no actually it didnt but, u see im a blogger-pro :P i know whos who and whats what :P so i doubt anyone else would catch on so easily cuz yeah 180 degree diff

Funny thing is....the other day i was deleting the inactive blogs from my blog roll i checked urs and said yeah khalas shes not coming back, cuz a few times b4 id decided to keep u :P 3ad i deleted u this time...but actually added this one hehehehehehehe!!
Fayoora- LOL! I was laughing to myself the entire way to uni, it so made my day! The problem is I want him to write more but I know he won't if I personally told him :P

DR- Yeah, you definitely proved that you are a blogger-pro, you know the in's and out's of this place eheheh :P But it's a good thing you replaced my former blog with this one, you probably had a sense of them being the same person lol... Now you didn't tell me which one do you like more? :P
I am quite sure that the majority of people who visit my blog know who I am. And I have met several 'bloggers' in real life .. If I know who they are I usually mention it.

I have issues with mini-monopoly .. it takes a considerable amount of focus to make sure the dice don't go anywhere. And then there is the issue with the money... its way too small to feel rich.
K- Yeah I'm slowly losing my anonimity as I type :P And I can't help but laugh when playing mini monopoly, I feel like a giant when grabbing the pieces and moving them with my huge fingers! lol
Tell me about it! I have a picture of my mini-monopoly battles in starbucks .. the doubleshot cup looks like a venti. I will post it tomorrow.
tara yabeela bachr mini monoply .. bs this time we need more players ..
Ok, im not being diplomatic.
But i like both :>
DR- you couldn't go wrong either way :P
hehehehe fufu nice 1 ;p
btw ur bro's ppr 7adha soooo HIM :P

GO GRL ... u ROCK!!!
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