Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I seriously don't want to meet Mr. Right... I want to meet Mr. Right-NOW or is it the other way around? I want him to meet me? See since I could never, ever, EVA show that I am that desperate. I actually googled 'virtual boyfriend'... hey I was curious, there MUST be someone else in such a dire and sad state. (and there a few sites that actually make you create your own bf... I didn't go that far).

Why can't I just BUY one? I'm in my spending phase, and the more I spend the more I feel this void in my life! I truly believe that if I was with someone I wouldn't spend that much... I just need someone now to test that theory, and not for my other infinite and one reasons. There's not much my credit card can handle! and to top it all off, I have to suffer the consequences of satisfying myself by paying off my debt! It's a double edged sword, I have to pay the price (figuratively and literally!)

Oh, and random people keep popping up into my life... I always wonder how they remember me all of a sudden, what triggered that memory, what crazy thing did they hear or see that they associated with me. It's good to be remembered, it does bring back alot of memories, (which were neatly folded and tucked away a.k.a dealt with and forgotten) and I smile...No, not really, but I do sometimes. But anyway, my life has been a drag lately, I've been pushed backstage to watch the show go on while I recuperate, I hope I can jump right back in and continue the show soon! Now I know what it means to stand on the sidelines and watch life go by, it really is entertaining but I need to get involved again!

ok u must be my twin sister cuz this whole 'forget mister right, just give me mister right now' is something i've said a dozen times (times 100).

this whole post sounds like something i would've written.. with the exception of the virtual bf and the spending spree! i'm on the verge of spending a lot of money but i'm keeping myself in check so far! gonna try to hold on a bit longer.
msb- I sound like a broken record, an extremely loud one too :P & Me too! I'm fighting the urge to go get some jeans! Problem is I know once I start shopping I won't stop... :/
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