Sunday, February 12, 2006


This year, I am going to see valentines as something I should celebrate, even if I don't have a significant other! For a very long time I've dreaded the 'V' word. I just didn't want to remind myself that I am... -gasp- single!

Being single can be healthy, it truly can. I can focus on myself, pamper and treat myself endlessly! My family and friends are enough and I don't need to worry my little pretty head with guy issues! Let alone make my friends bear the misery with me!

I think I'm becoming immune to this whole 'gotta get a bf' issue ;P It's becoming so OLD! Which means I can't even remember the last time I've had a meaningful relationship! It's been such. a. long. time... and even longer!

SURE, I've had many opportunities. Ok. Not many, but SOME. Some is good. Some means that I'm still in the running. Lail7een mawjooda bel sa7a el faneya ;P But STILL, this does not mean, I repeat, does NOT mean I am willing to lower my standards. A property in say hmmm London isn't going to become cheaper even though it's not in demand THESE days, but probably in the long run it will, but highly unlikely. People might say, 6arara watshara6... But my standards are at their minimum right now that means I'm being reasonable!

The quote that I'm using is "I'll fast and break it on an onion?" (loosely translated ;p)

So the lesson of the day is... whoever "the guy" is, he certainly should be worth the wait. He better be! ;P

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